Friday, April 22, 2011

Fragments of Meldaizer

Not too long ago, Westbury Detectives Part One finished its run and is available in full here. The whole series takes a while to script, but will span three chapters in full, titled "Fragments of Manhattan", "The Chinatown Killer" and "Cry For Me". I named the chapters after tracks from Miki Matsubara's 1984 album Cool Cut because that's how I roll.

I've been writing more and more of Super Defender Gigan-X (the title's been changed, since General Kagiyama would certainly complain "fighting isn't a desirable trait."). The three pilots, Roger Ross, Emi Kagiyama and Diego Cortez have been finalized. I'll be posting almost the whole thing chapter-by-chapter on its own blog with illustrations, but...things depend on the title. Gigan-X sounds kinda dorky to me, especially since it's supposed to be a brand of military robot, and I'm considering other names. Like, stuff that sounds like it came from a 90's anime and then the German and Japanese languages exploded on each other:

Meldaizer, Keldaizer?, Giganex, Gigakaizen (especially since "kaizen" is Japanese for "change for the better"), Melkaizen, Sentodor

I'm going to run this list by a few people and see what I get. It's a bit of a pain how this is will be the second time I had to rename one of the titles previewed in the back of Cinderelliot...

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