Thursday, August 27, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009
Ryusaku and Tatsu Murasame of Tetsujin 28. They appear clearly in two panels, which would be pushing it, if people could instantly recognize them. They actually look like the following...
(If any of my offline friends are reading this, I would like to warn you that you will be forced to watch at least one episode of this series. You guys would love the Murasame Brothers if you could get over the "giant robot" matter.)
Shinzuka Ichinuma and his father, Kuro, from The Outlanders. That is actually a more graphic, psychological series with an intricate plot that I'm still trying to finish. Shinzuka is in three more panels with one spoken line.
Osamu Tezuka's villain character Skunk Kusai. This is a heavily-modified version, based on his appearance in the animated Astro Boy series from 2003.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Issue Two Now Available

Friday, August 21, 2009
FIMO Clay Elliot
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Crossover Business

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Model Sheets

(Of course, I had been planning CE for about a month before drawing this.) Most notably, you can see my original intent to make George and Mina like birds and mice (a la Disney's version). Speaking of which, 1/4 of Disney's movie was just about the animals, for God's sake...
The Fairy Godfather was a little less enthusiastic-looking, didn't switch from stoic to feminine easily, and smoked. I've been trying to take the smoking out of my more attractive characters, given that smoking is gross and it ruins your overall look.* That aside, he originally had a light Brooklyn accent that would have been hard to put legibly in text. Charmy and King were briefly going to be Italian, with reddish-brown hair, but I changed that to add some diversity to the comic. And then almost went back when I worried the grey marker for their skin would look offensive.
And Elliot's hair! It's frizzy, compared to the insane poofy thing I gave him in the comic. Have you guys ever heard of Hideki from Nerima Daikon Brothers? His design + John Belushi's personality inspired Elliot. Elliot and his brother (who you'll see in #2) are actually called "Cain and Arbrook" in another one of my projects. It's a Cain & Abel pun, except Elliot doesn't kill Miles and marry their sister.
*I once was infatuated with a girl named Carlene, whom was a few months younger than me but tall and mature-looking. In 10th grade she took up smoking and loose sex with university students. No, I'm not bitter.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Kenji Murasame Block
"Is something wrong?"
Kenji Murasame was my favorite character in the show...he had a bright pink suit, puffy black hair, and a dozen throwing knives on hand. He and his two brothers (Ryusaku and Tatsu) were briefly shown as a small band of thieves, but for some reason, both brothers died before the third episode. That kind of thing always drove me nuts as a writer; I always felt the Murasame Brothers could have had plenty of good scenes if the two hadn't died.
Buon Giorno
I'm only going to be posting pictures from the production of my comics, including model sheets and moronic sketches. Unless something insane happens in real life, not much of my personal life will be mentioned. Also, I probably won't swear that much.
My favorite TV shows are Astro Boy, Tetsujin 28, Assemble Insert, Sonic the Hedgehog, and The Young Ones.
My favorite book material includes Bloom County, Calvin & Hobbes, Shel Silverstein, Osamu Tezuka, and an obscure novel called "Summer Home" by Cynthia D. Grant.